The VOD automatically gets saved to your Mac.

Click on your username in the upper-right corner of your home page.Go to the Twitch website on your browser.The easiest way to download Twitch VODs is directly from the Twitch website. Tap on the three dots on the right side of the stream.Find the VOD that you want to download.Tap on your username on your home screen and go to “Video Producer.”.Go to the three dots in the upper-right corner and choose “Desktop Site.”.Open the Twitch website on your Android.After you download it from Google Play, you need to do this. To save Twitch streams on your Android device, you’ll need an app called Download Video for Twitch – VOD & Clips Downloader by Angolix. Once you’ve saved the Twitch stream, you can watch it on your iPhone. Paste the link in the address bar at the top of the screen.Tap on the “Network” icon in the lower-right corner of the screen.Go to your past broadcasts and find the VOD you want to download.Tap on your username in the upper-right corner of your screen.Choose “Request Desktop Website” from the drop-down list.Navigate to the “aA” in the upper-left corner.Go to the Twitch website on your iPhone.Here’s how to can use VLC to download Twitch VODs on an iPhone: If you’re an iPhone user, you can download a free media player app called VLC. While you can download your VODs directly from the Twitch website on your computer, you’d need a third-party app to do it on your phone. Saving Twitch videos on your phone is slightly more complicated. Let’s see how you would download them on your device. Now that you’ve enabled the automatic download feature, all your broadcasts get saved for the time allowed.