What is matter made of
What is matter made of

what is matter made of

Gas can be compressed much more easily than a liquid or solid. A gas will fill any container, but if the container is not sealed, the gas will escape. In gases, the atoms are much more spread out than in solids or liquids, and the atoms collide randomly with one another. Water is an example of a liquid, and so is milk, juice and the petrol you put in the car.

what is matter made of

While a liquid is easier to compress than a solid, it is still quite difficult – imagine trying to compress water in a confined container! A liquid will take on the shape of the container it is being held in. In liquids, the molecules have the ability to move around and slide past each other. Right now, you are probably sitting on a chair, using a mouse or a keyboard that is resting on a desk – all those things are solids.

What is matter made of