Would definitely work, and would probably be really easy, but I’m hoping I can make one of the above options work (because I like to make things hard on myself. Option 3, which would require a rework of a couple things, particularly updating, is to just package LinuxPA as an AppImage itself. I have found a way for type 1 appimages, but have yet to find a way to do it with type 2 appimages (there doesn’t seem to be a squashfs library for go anywhere and programs that do work with squashfs just call the necessary commands, which won’t work due to the ELF header. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision. 'Designed to run as a live USB/CD' is the primary reason people pick Puppy Linux over the competition. Option 2, which is actually what I REALLY want to do, is to find a way to get the information in a more pure go way. proud to announce the PA.c Platform 23.1 release with improved Linux support. Puppy Linux, Damn Small Linux, and Knoppix are probably your best bets out of the 19 options considered. At the moment It’s not going great, but there have been some glimmers of hope. Telegram is a well-known, secure messaging application for mobile and desktop operating systems. Mozilla’s excellent browser may have lost a lot. Linux and Firefox go together like fire and foxes. So at the moment I’m having “fun” learning/figuring out how to use make/cmake with cgo to allow me to build LinuxPA with the necessary AppImageKit C library to keep it as a single executable. 11 Portable Apps Every Linux User Should Use 1.

Just wanted to give a quick update on progress: